Whatever your age or playing experience, Dodo Club has three football options especially tailored for you … Football on grass and full 11-a-side astroturf football once a month from 2022… Register your interest now for our Boxercise & Bootcamp sessions ……Yoga coming up for both men and women …… Gymnastics classes already running…. PĂ©tanque on the way…Our free football annual membership is open to citizens Londonwide…To join call Faz Hyda on 07932 085 181… We are currently recruiting 14-year old boys. Apply now as places are limited!
Whatever your age or playing experience, Dodo Club has three football options especially tailored for you … Football on grass and full 11-a-side astroturf football once a month from 2022… Register your interest now for our Boxercise & Bootcamp sessions ……Yoga coming up for both men and women …… Gymnastics classes already running…. PĂ©tanque on the way…Our free football annual membership is open to citizens Londonwide…To join call Faz Hyda on 07932 085 181… We are currently recruiting 14-year old boys. Apply now as places are limited!

Rules, Conduct & Governance

Club Rules

At Dodo Club we try to follow the standards set by Middlesex FA in areas such as Safeguarding, Health & Safety, Social Inclusion, and Equality. We take the welfare of our members very seriously and have a team of Welfare Officers who have been members of the club for more than twenty years and understand our values and ethos. 

We have strict codes of conduct that must be followed by all members, management, and families. 

Code of Conduct for all Players

  • Always treat all other members with respect and politeness
  • Do not use bad language
  • Arrive on time on Sunday mornings and be prepared for a prompt start to each session
  • After arrival, start setting out the pitch and help put away all equipment after the game
  • Be dressed in your full Dodo Club kit for each session


We have put in place a management structure for better accountability and the only practice acceptable is Best Practice. See our Who’s Who page.Â