Whatever your age or playing experience, Dodo Club has three football options especially tailored for you … Football on grass and full 11-a-side astroturf football once a month from 2022… Register your interest now for our Boxercise & Bootcamp sessions ……Yoga coming up for both men and women …… Gymnastics classes already running…. PĂ©tanque on the way…Our free football annual membership is open to citizens Londonwide…To join call Faz Hyda on 07932 085 181… We are currently recruiting 14-year old boys. Apply now as places are limited!
Whatever your age or playing experience, Dodo Club has three football options especially tailored for you … Football on grass and full 11-a-side astroturf football once a month from 2022… Register your interest now for our Boxercise & Bootcamp sessions ……Yoga coming up for both men and women …… Gymnastics classes already running…. PĂ©tanque on the way…Our free football annual membership is open to citizens Londonwide…To join call Faz Hyda on 07932 085 181… We are currently recruiting 14-year old boys. Apply now as places are limited!

Fast & Furious

Fast & Furious

Enjoy a Weekly Competitive, Friendly and Safe Game of football on Grass

Catering for the Under Fifties, our weekly Fast & Furious game will help improve your football skills and overall agility, dribbling and shooting, while enjoying a competitive, fun, but non-league game with our fitter and younger players.
You will also be playing in exciting special games and internal tournaments including our flagship annual Dodo Cup, not to mention the opportunity to travel abroad for friendlies against small-town foreign clubs sharing the same values and ethos as Dodo Club.
When & Where

Every Sunday morning at Broomfield Park (near children's playground), Palmers Green, London N13 4HE

To join

Call Faz Hyda on 07932 085 181 or email info@dodoclub.uk