Whatever your age or playing experience, Dodo Club has three football options especially tailored for you … Football on grass and full 11-a-side astroturf football once a month from 2022… Register your interest now for our Boxercise & Bootcamp sessions ……Yoga coming up for both men and women …… Gymnastics classes already running…. PĂ©tanque on the way…Our free football annual membership is open to citizens Londonwide…To join call Faz Hyda on 07932 085 181… We are currently recruiting 14-year old boys. Apply now as places are limited!

Forthcoming Events

Forthcoming Events

Vik Cup

An opportunity to win one of these magnificent miniature trophies offered by one of our ‘Golden Nugget’ members Vik Padaruth for his belated birthday celebration. The Sunday morning centerpiece will be a full 90-minute 11-a-side game of competitive football among our players complete with officials and culminating in a trophy presentation by Vik’s family. Snacks […]

Forthcoming Events

Dodo Cup 2022

A thrilling one-day festival of competitive football involving five hyped-up teams ‘representing’ England, Holland, France, Brazil, and Mauritius. This popular annual flagship internal tournament is well supported by families and friends and gives an opportunity to also sample delicious street food from the beautiful island of Mauritius – all in a friendly, lively, and convivial family […]

Forthcoming Events

Brighton Family Trip

Popular family day trip by coach to this truly beautiful southern coast resort. The trip may/may not include a short game of friendly football between ourselves, however we will enjoy a tasty Biryani lunch in the park with our families and friends, and spend the afternoon on the Brighton Pier & surroundings before heading back […]

Forthcoming Events

Dodo PĂ©tanque Cup

Coming up in Summer 2022 and supported by the French Embassy in London, the Dodo PĂ©tanque Cup will see the participation of several established pĂ©tanque clubs from other parts of London. This is part of our  club’s diversification into other sports and aims to create and cement new relationships between our petanque members and the city’s […]

Forthcoming Events

Women’s Football

A new initiative at Dodo Club to keep up with the growing popularity of women’s football in the country. With support from the FA, Dodo Club aims to officially launch Women’s Football in Autumn 2022. This exciting project is still in its infancy and we will come back with regular updates as we progress with […]